Sunday, August 22, 2010

Tribute #1: Annie Weaver

As a kid I loved listening to the Annie record and would always sing along to The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow. Being 4 I had no idea what optimism meant, and probably figured only orphans were the ones down on their luck. Many years later I understand the challenge in believing in those lyrics, and I feel nobody more appropriately embodies the spirit of that song than Annie Weaver.

Annie is the type of person that always sees the glass ½ full, and her huge smile makes everyone feel at ease. Annie had the dedication and smarts to pursue a million career paths, but now that I know Annie works with college student organizations I can’t imagine a better career fit. It’s not the easiest to motivate and organize any group, let alone one comprised of coeds. I’m sure her great sense of humor helps in that arena, too, as laughter can unite everyone. 

Annie, thanks for reminding me to look on the bright side. Too often a cynic, you can bet your bottom dollar that I will strive to see that glass as ½ full, or at least slightly less empty.

Annie's Electrifying Personality 

1 comment:

  1. Rosie! This was incredibly sweet of you!! Oh my gosh I am just plain honored. Thank you!!!
